- Study programme Integriertes Design
- Email clund@hfk-bremen.de
Dr Cornelia Lund is a Berlin-based art and media scholar and curator. She has worked for years in research and teaching, mainly on documentary and audiovisual artistic practices, design theory, and de- and postcolonial theories (including at HU Berlin, University of the Arts Bremen, University of Hamburg, PUC São Paulo). Since 2004 she has been co-director of fluctuating images, an independent and non-commercial platform for media art and design (www.fluctuating-images.de). 2012–2018 she has been a research fellow in a DFG project on German documentary cinema (University of Hamburg), in 2019 she co-curated the exhibition and research project Connecting Afro Futures. Fashion x Hair x Design (Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin). Her curatorial projects include numerous screenings and exhibitions (e.g. Mapping Festival Geneva, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Index Festival New York, Werkleitz Festival). Among her most important publications are Audio.Visual—Visual Music and Related Media (2009), Design der Zukunft (2014), The Audiovisual Breakthrough (2015), “Style and Society—Istanbul’s Music Scene in the 1960s and 1970s: Musical Hybridism, the Gazino and Social Tolerance” (Speaking in Tongues. Pop lokal global 2017), “Wie Archive aus antikolonialen Befreiungskämpfen in die Zukunft gewendet werden” (Archive Dekolonialisieren 2018), “Elastic realities—documentary practices between cinema and art” (Ars 2019), Connecting Afro Futures. Fashion x Hair x Design (2019), as well as the online platforms Post-digital Culture (2016–), Lund Audiovisual Wiritings (2017), anddecolonial.etc.br as the result of a workshop at PUC SP (2021–).