Binational Artistic PhD-Program

Starting in autumn 2020, the University of the Arts Bremen (HfK) has been offering the opportunity to achieve a doctorate as part of an artistic-scientific PhD programme. The four-year binational doctoral programme is currently being run in cooperation with University of Leiden (as well as the Royal Academy of Art The Hague) and the University of Groningen (together with the Minerva Art Academy Groningen) and the University of Gothenburg (together with HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design).
Combining applied research, artistic practice, a theoretical-scientific anchoring and individual support, the binational PhD programme at the HfK makes an important contribution to artistic-scientific and artistic-design research. The doctoral students qualify for a future career at precisely these innovative interfaces. The focus is on artistic and design practice, which forms the basis for the doctoral project, the resulting research activities and the creation of knowledge.
The English-language artistic PhD programme enables PhD candidates to independently carry out artistic-scientific research projects, to critically reflect on methods and discursive or theoretical approaches, to establish their work in international contexts and to gain further qualifications – also through gaining teaching experience. The programme is therefore explicitly aimed at students with an artistic or design master's degree or an artistic diploma.
The wide range of projects located at the innovative interfaces between the arts, design and the sciences is already reflected in the research areas of the current PhD candidates.
More information about applications, events and offers: