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Zur Bewerbung
Mittwoch | 4. April 2018

Nevertheless. 17 Manifestos Issue No. 2

Publikation, Februar 2018

Manifestos romanticize the revolution. And forget the day after. This publication presents aspects of a media science at the University of the Arts Bremen (during 2016/2017) by students, teachers and researchers. The performances and figurations of the texts are capable of demonstrating and presenting relationships between the arts and theory for a discussion. They are brief pauses in a society that has been described as fluid now for many years. These manifestos play out the subjective in a conscious and sometimes carnivalesque way.

2018 premiert durch den Förderpreis 
für Junge Buchgestaltung

Editor/Herausgegeberin Andrea Sick
Hochschule für Künste Bremen / 
University of the Arts Bremen
Limited edition of 300 copies /
Limitierte Auflage von 300 Stück
Textem Verlag Hamburg
Price/Preis: 24 €

All manifestos are available online:

Designconcept and Layout: Sarah Käsmayr, Cássia Vila

Website: Guida Ribeiro, Maximilian Kiepe

Printing/Druck: Kraus Druck und Medien, Friedberg
Production/Produktion: MaroVerlag, Augsburg
Printed in Germany
© 2018 by the authors and Textem-Verlag, Hamburg
ISBN: 978-3-86485-190-2

Mit Beiträgen von:
Vincent Brinkmann
Jasna Dimitrovska 
Karim (Arnold) Fuad 
Tania Gonzaga
Julian-Anthony Hespenheide 
Irena Kukric
Lucia Mendelova
Frieder Nake
Henrik Nieratschker
Antonio Palacios
Guida Ribeiro
Claudia Reiche 
Mona Schieren
Alan N. Shapiro
Andrea Sick
Cássia Vila
Mi You
Luiz Zanotello



Preis für /Price for Issue 2: hier