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Application period for the winter semester 2025/26 – Digital Media (B.A.): 1.2.–15.5.2025 – Digital Media (M.A.): 1.4.–31.5.2025 – Fine Arts (Diploma): 1.2.–15.4.2025 – Integrated Design (B.A.): 1.2.–30.4.2025 – Integrated Design (M.A.): 1.4.–15.5.2025 – Music: 1.3.–31.3.2025

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Student Committees

The Student Council – StuRa for short – is the elected representative of all students at the HfK Bremen. It is formed across disciplines and fulfils the function of a student parliament of the HfK Bremen. The StuRa consists of 15 members. Every student may run for it and be elected in the annual committee election. 

In addition to electing the General Student Committee (AStA) members, the StuRa decides on the use of the fees paid by students, advises and decides on guidelines, fundamental questions and student regulations. It organises elections, promotes self-administration in the study programs and awards Strukturförderungsgelder an studentische Projekte (structural funding to student projects). The StuRa is bound to the students’ ballot decisions. 

One of its most important tasks is to exercise its control function over the AStA. 

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The General Student Committee (AStA) consists of five to nine elected student representatives. The two chairpersons constitute the board together with the spokesperson for finance. 

The AStA is the executive body of the StuRa and represents the student body both inside and outside the HfK. So for example, the committee is in regular contact with University management, other student committees and political actors. 

Tasks of the AStA include coordinating student self-administration, representing students' political, social and cultural interests as they relate to the University, by organising the semester ticket, the Kultursemestertickets (cultural semester ticket) and events. The AStA also facilitates and manages Café Lu

In its work, the AStA is bound to the resolutions and guidelines of the StuRa and the regulations of the student body.

The AStA meets every two weeks on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. Meetings are open to the University community and can be attended without any prior notification.

AStA of the University of the Arts Bremen

Am Speicher XI 8
28217 Bremen

The AStA at Speicher XI

  • Phone +49 421 9595-1060
  • Room 1.10.030

The AStA at Dechanatstraße

  • Phone +49 421 9595-1061
  • Room K.21

AStA Business Office

  • Location Speicher XI
  • Room 3.06.010

Specific concerns may be raised with departments directly involved with an issue:

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The students of a study program form the student body of a faculty. These student bodies can elect a student council as representation of their interests.

A student council must consist of three to max. nine students and are voted for at a study program assembly for one year.

There are three student councils (FSR) at the HfK:

(Fine Arts has not yet established a student council)

The student councils represent the interests of the students of their study programs, organize events, serve as contacts for questions about course of studies, mediate between professors, committees and students and especially take care of supporting first-semester students.

The student councils are represented in the student body regulations, and all guidelines and task areas are listed there.

The members of the student councils meet regularly in joint sessions, in which all current and pending topics are discussed. These sessions are open to the university public, which means that all students can actively participate. 

You can find out when the next session of your student council will take place as well as current topics on the website page of each student council or in the committee calendar.

The International Students’ Committee is a committee of the Students’ Parliament and represents HfK international students in the Music, Art and Design faculties. It collaborates closely with other political bodies such as the Students’ Union or the Students Council and provides the Students’ Parliament with regular information on current affairs. 

The IStC supports, among other things, the Students’ Union Speaker for International Affairs in their work with the university and its administrative and teaching staff. All students can actively take part in IStC meetings, which are usually held in English. The Committee regularly organises gatherings for international students to discuss and exchange information on international affairs.

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