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Integriertes Design Master: Bewerbungszeitraum für das Sommersemester 2025: 1.12.2024–13.1.2025

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Dining Halls

The interim canteen at the Speicher XI location is operated by Studierendenwerk Bremen. Vegetarian and vegan lunches are available, as well as a daily changing dessert menu. A deposit system allows food to be taken outside, into offices, lounges, etc.

Winter break

The interim canteen at the Speicher XI location is open until December, 19th 2024 and again from January ,6th 2025.

Opening hours

Monday–Friday: 11:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.


Since the end of November 2020 Mensa13 is operated under the management of gastronomer and Küche-13 operator Jan-Philipp Iwersen. In the evening Mensa13 turns into a bar, restaurant and concert venue.

Winter break

The Mensa13 at the Dechanatstraße location is open until December, 20th 2024 and again from January ,6th 2025.

Opening hours

Monday–Friday: 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
