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Application period for the winter semester 2025/26 – Digital Media (B.A.): 1.2.–15.5.2025 – Digital Media (M.A.): 1.4.–31.5.2025 – Fine Arts (Diploma): 1.2.–15.4.2025 – Integrated Design (B.A.): 1.2.–30.4.2025 – Integrated Design (M.A.): 1.4.–15.5.2025 – Music: 1.3.–31.3.2025

More information

Applying for the study programme Early Music (Concert Exam)

© Hochschule für Künste Bremen – Anja Segermann

Studying music at the University of the Arts Bremen is distinguished by an intense support and education on the individual level in an atmosphere that is highly personal and open.

Applicants for a place in the Music Faculty at the HfK should submit an online application for admission to the entrance examination and to the course during the application period.

Enrolment for the concert exam only takes place in the summer semester.

The application process for the Music Faculty at the HfK takes place via the application portal. The HfK maintains email contact with you via your application account during the application process and informs you in a timely manner about dates, processes, necessary documents and tasks.

The following information must be submitted:

  • tabular CV
  • the programme for the entrance examination
  • a passport photo
  • proof of degree certificate (the prerequisite for enrolment is a Master of Music degree with a "good" (minimum grade 2.5) or comparable degree, whereby the main subject must be graded "very good" (minimum grade 1.5) or "with distinction").

After we receive your application, you will receive an email from us stating the further dates and procedures for the application process. 

The prerequisite for studying is a Master of Music, artistic training or comparable qualifications with a grade of “good” (at least grade 2.5), whereby the main subject must be graded “very good” (at least grade 1.5) or “with distinction”. The exam can not have been passed more than four years prior to the application deadline.

Proof of previous study qualifications must be submitted by the end of the application deadline (see application deadlines). 

The applicant must submit the programme or programmes for the entrance examination and the previous master's examination (Master of Music) with the application. The programmes of the public performances held after this examination can be attached. Accompanists and chamber music partners must be provided by the applicant for the entrance examination. In the main subject of composition, you must submit your own works for various ensembles that were submitted in the previous master's examination (Master of Music). Further compositions that were created after this examination can be included. 

Digital submissions (video recordings/work samples for composition) may be requested if required.

Depending on the focus, the following programmes must be prepared:

Open all
  • Instrumental Major (Early Music)
  • Singing (Early Music)

Important deadlines

  • 1.3.–31.3.2025

    Application for admission to entry exam and application for place to study (first-year students, transfer students/higher semesters, young students and concert exam)

  • May 2025

    Invitation to admission exam

  • 2.6.–7.6.2025

    Admission exam locally in Bremen

  • July 2025

    Publication of exam results and results of the admission process

  • 1.10.2025

    Start of the winter semester 2025/26

Department 1, Office for Students, is the central contact address for all questions relating to applications, admissions, studies and examinations. From the study organisation to the application and admission process, enrolment and de-registration, to questions about taking a leave of absence from your studies, information about study and examination regulations/registrations, questions about BAföG as well as guest and secondary students: you will find advice and support here.

Contact General advice on studies

  • Email
  • Phone +49 421 9595-1113

Study-related specialist advice from the dean of studies

The dean of studies' responsibilities in the music faculty include questions about studying and teaching. The dean of studies ensures that the individual courses of study are carried out appropriately in accordance with the examination and study regulations. She decides on measures to ensure the necessary teaching offerings with adequate supervision. She also ensures that student interests are taken into account appropriately. The dean of studies supports you throughout your studies and coordinates subject-specific advice from lecturers. You are welcome to contact the dean of studies to arrange further advice and if you have personal concerns or difficulties.

Please note that proof of German language skills is a mandatory enrolment requirement. Foreign applicants to study at the University of the Arts must prove that they have a good knowledge of the German language in oral and written communication. Further information about the language certificate can be found below.