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Tuesday | 28 May 2024 9 p.m.

HfK Jazzclub: It's my Hammond's birthday

University of the Arts Bremen | Musikkeller, Mensa 13
Vergangene Veranstaltung

...because the date of birth of the aged organ lady could not be determined exactly, Klaus Möckelmann (HammondB3) and Maxi Suhr (drums) have decided to celebrate whenever the opportunity arises. There will be a suitable opportunity for this together with their guest Fred Drobnjak (guitar) on Tuesday 28 May as the opener in the HfK Jazzclub at 21:00. 

Once the idea of Maxi Suhr (drums) and Klaus Möckelmann (HammondB3) to form a duo was born, the two musicians met for several spontaneous sessions. 
Their shared love of various grooves such as funk, shuffle, swing and blues as well as the often unjustly maligned great jazz classics quickly led to the creation of their first programme, which was given a very personal touch with such great compositions as "die zwei von der Funkstelle" and "Mutti das Leslie kocht" as well as their own arrangements. After a solderer from the countryside made the ultimate bass sound for Klaus' left hand by modifying it accordingly, the two-man band has been ready for the stage ever since!

During the programme, the granddaughter is already gyrating her hips, while granny says during the next song: "Min Deern dat Leed, dat kenn ich ock!"
As befits a proper celebration, guitarist Fred Drobnjak will be the aged organ lady's guest this time, giving all the guests a special treat. The programme includes some blues-related jazz titles, jazz standards in his own arrangements and compositions written for the HammondB3 by Klaus Möckelmann.


The "hfk jazzclub" is the venue for contemporary jazz in Bremen. Concerts and sessions with musicians from the university and local and national musicians take place every Tuesday of the semester at 9 pm in the basement vault of the University of Music. Passionate jamming takes place here, or student tryout programmes are presented. Semester projects by the Rehearsal Band and themed concert programmes are also on offer. In short: a think tank for jazz and a meeting place for Bremen's jazz scene.

Normal: 5 Euro
HfK students: 2 euros

Tickets are available at the box office from 8 pm

University of the Arts Bremen Dechanatstr. 13-15 28195 Bremen
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