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Friday | 25 April 2025 11:30 p.m.

jazzahead! CLUBNIGHT: EnTee

University of the Arts Bremen | Musikkeller, Mensa 13
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Close-up of a hand pulling a record from a shelf in the Klaus-Kuhnke Archive, HfK Bremen.
© Hochschule für Künste Bremen – Anja Segermann

We are delighted to once again be able to present a varied programme for this year's Jazzahead Clubnight at the University of the Arts. The evening will open in the HfK-Musikkeller at 19:30 with the band of bass student Felipe Valencia Pedraza. Afterwards, at 21:00 the vibraphonist Izabella Effenberg will perform to present her new project together with Prof Esther Kaiser from Dresden and the participation of HfK jazz students. At 22:30 bassist Patrick Scales will play together with piano lecturer Oli Poppe and jazz students from the HfK Bremen. Nico Thom alias DJ EnTee from the Klaus Kuhnke Institute for Popular Music at the HfK will close the evening. Under the motto “Jazziest Hip-Hop in Town”, he will be playing music that straddles the border between jazz and hip-hop from 11:30 pm

23:30 Uhr / DJ EnTee

After three bands have presented live jazz, the dance party of the Klaus Kuhnke Institute (KKI) for Popular Music of the University of the Arts Bremen starts. This year's motto is: "Jazziest Hip-Hop in Town".

Jazz has had an influence on many younger styles of music, especially hip-hop. But hip-hop has also left its mark on jazz. In the 1990s in particular, jazzy hip-hop and jazz with spoken words had golden years. But the interactions are also omnipresent in the present day. We will celebrate this exciting musical melange. All friends of cultivated breaking, popping and locking are cordially invited, as are head-nodders of all ages.

Line-Up: Nico Thom alias DJ EnTee from the KKI


39 € / 19 € red.

The ticket is valid for all concerts as part of the jazzahead! CLUBNIGHT


University of the Arts Bremen Dechanatstr. 13-15 28195 Bremen
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