Since 2011, jazzahead! has been presenting jazz and related music in Bremen's city centre for a predominantly regional audience as part of its CLUBNIGHT. Every year, around 35 venues take part in the much-loved long night of jazz, which is to be held on the Friday evening of the trade fair in 2024. Clubs, bars, theatres, museums, churches and hotels, they all become live venues on this night.
19:30 h | може
21:00 h | Markus Schieferdecker Quartett
22:30 h | Felipe Pedraza Quintett
Markus Schieferdecker Quartett
Julian Wasserfuhr — tpt
Joost van Schaik — d
Martin Sasse — p
Markus Schieferdecker — b
Under the title "The HFK Jazz Bass World", we present two HfK Bachelor students and their professor Markus Schieferdecker, who has been working at the HFK Bremen since 2020 and teaches jazz double bass and electric bass there. In the summer semester, two of his first students will graduate with a Bachelor's degree. After almost four years of intensive study, Magnus Bodzin and Felipe Valente Pedraza have made great progress and will be showing off their skills. Markus Schieferdecker and his quartet will also be performing at the HfK for the first time.
Important information
35 € / 20 € red.
The ticket is valid for all concerts as part of the jazzahead! CLUBNIGHT
The included VBN ticket is valid from 12 April from 15.00 until 13 April 10.00 in all means of transport of the VBN. In the trains only valid in 2nd class!