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Application period for the winter semester 2025/26 – Digital Media (B.A.): 1.2.–15.5.2025 – Digital Media (M.A.): 1.4.–31.5.2025 – Fine Arts (Diploma): 1.2.–15.4.2025 – Integrated Design (B.A.): 1.2.–30.4.2025 – Integrated Design (M.A.): 1.4.–15.5.2025 – Music: 1.3.–31.3.2025

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Sunday | 24 March 2024 1 p.m.

Jazz workshop for university applicants

University of the Arts Bremen
Vergangene Veranstaltung
© Hochschule für Künste Bremen – Lukas Klose

On March 24th, 2024, the Jazz Department of the University of the Arts Bremen will once again host a four-hour introductory workshop for aspiring musicians interested in studying jazz. The workshop will start at 1 p.m. and will provide general information about studying jazz, as well as samples of instrumental, ensemble, and theory lessons by instructors and professors from the University of the Arts Bremen.

Some of the instructors participating in the workshop include Prof. Markus Schieferdecker (Bass), Prof. Florian Poser, Oliver Poppe (Theory/Piano), Julian Wasserfuhr (Trumpet), Marcus Bartelt (Saxophone), Elmar Brass (Piano), Ed Kröger (Trombone), Christian Schönefeld (Drums), and Jan-Olaf Rodt (Guitar). The workshop is free of charge.

To register, interested individuals should send an email to, providing their address and instrument/area of interest.

The Jazz Department of the University of the Arts Bremen also organizes high-quality workshops with international guest lecturers. Recently, workshops have been held with renowned bassists Remi Vingolo, Essiet Essiet, and in April 2024, with the bassist of Alicia Keys, Richie Goods.

In addition, the university has the HFK Jazzclub, where jam sessions, concerts, and exchanges within the European jazz scene take place regularly. This provides an opportunity to get to know each other and establish networks for the future, which is of great importance for a smooth transition into the profession of jazz musician. The high-quality workshops with international jazz musicians support this process. Bremen is one of the few German cities with an international flair and affordable housing.

Here is a glimpse of our workshop guests (WS 2023/24):

  • Dave Kikoski (Piano)
  • Ugonna Okewko (Bass)
  • Remi Vingolo (Bass)
  • Essiet Essiet (Bass)
  • Thomas Heidepriem (Bass)
  • Richie Goods (Bass)
  • Jörg Brinkmann (Cello/Bass)
  • Kirk Lightsey (Piano)
  • Portinho (Drums)
  • Helen Schneider (Voice)
  • Wayne Escoffery (Saxophone)
  • Mark Whitfield Junior (Drums)
  • Joost van Schaik (Drums)
  • Prof. Dr. August Wilhelm Scheer (Business)
  • Izabella Effenberg (Vibraphone)
  • Izabella Bodenseh (Flute)
  • Milena Hoge (Harp)
  • Pierra Allan Gouchard (Piano)
  • Renato Chicco (Piano)
  • Joris Dudli (Drums)

Additional workshops and concerts are planned for the summer semester, including Martin Gjakonovski (Bass), Helen Schneider (Vocals), Joel Frahm (Saxophone), Staffan William-Olsson (Guitar), Pat Bianchi (Organ), Joris Dudli (Drums), and the Richie Goods Quartet, consisting of Richie Goods (Bass), Chien Chien Lu (Vibraphone), Quintin Zoto (Guitar), and Lil Roberts (Drums).

These workshops are exclusively for HfK students. However, prospective applicants are also invited to attend, and participation is free of charge.

Interested individuals can also contact Markus Schieferdecker at any time for free (online) and inquire about a Jazz Bass study at the HfK Bremen. He supports potential interested parties in all important matters and is available to national and international students for advice and assistance.

If interested, simply send an email to with contact/address information.

The application deadline for a study at the HfK is open online from March 1, 2024, to March 31, 2024.


University of the Arts Bremen Dechanatstraße 13–15 28195 Bremen
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