The Unconscious Beyond the Human: Dreamed Experiences and Anti-Colonial Challenges
This lecture seeks to problematize the unconscious formation centered around the human, which, among other effects, objectifies and minimizes presences beyond humans. Turning Donini’s research to dreams brings substantial clues, where it's possible to identify the lack of engagement, detachment, panic and separation produced by the modern-colonial-capitalistic fracture that has imposed ways of life to override and make disappear cosmologies where relationships are interconnected and not human-hierarchical. However, these cosmologies have resisted for centuries, challenging us to think about humanity's place in the biosphere. These investigations have contributed to the creation of artistic-pedagogical-therapeutic processes.
Angela Donini is a Professor in the Philosophy Department at UNIRIO (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro) and teaches there in the Postgraduate Programs and in Teaching Performing Arts. PhD in Clinical Psychology and post-doctoral internship in Contemporary Arts Studies.
Donini directed the short films “bodies that escape” (2015), “anchoring ships in space” (2016); “names that matter” (2017); “may my only scars be from skateboarding” (2023); "fight like a whore" (2024), and has been collaborating with activist collectives in audiovisual creation processes since 2013.
This lecture is also part of the hybrid lecture series Migratory Lectures II:
Hybrid lecture series of the working group on Art Production and Art Theory in the Age of Global Migration of the Ulmer Verein für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften e.V. The digital lecture series Migratory Lectures explores these global contexts by bringing together international scholars, artists, curators and institutions from different locations in dialog with each other.
There will be a livestream of the lecture, made possible by the project We Dig It!
Important information
Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt. Diskussion in englisch, deutsch, brasilianisch.