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Application period for the winter semester 2025/26 – Digital Media (B.A.): 1.2.–15.5.2025 – Digital Media (M.A.): 1.4.–31.5.2025 – Fine Arts (Diploma): 1.2.–15.4.2025 – Integrated Design (B.A.): 1.2.–30.4.2025 – Integrated Design (M.A.): 1.4.–15.5.2025 – Music: 1.3.–31.3.2025

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Sunday | 30 March 2025 11 a.m.

Musical matinee - foray through Czech music

University of the Arts Bremen | Konzertsaal (2.05)

‘Every Czech is a musician.’ This is a Czech proverb. In fact, our neighbouring country has an exceptionally rich musical tradition compared to its size. This concert will feature compositions from the 18th to the 20th century: from the ‘Bohemian Bach’ Jan Dismas Zelenka, the national composers Antonín Dvořák and Bedřich Smetana to Czech modernism with Leoš Janáček, Bohuslav Martinů and Vítězslava Kaprálová. Music from Terezín will also be played to commemorate 80 years since the end of the war.

Welcome: Prof. Dr Mirjam Boggasch, Rector of the University of the Arts

Moderation: Elisabeth Hahn

Performers: Gretel Jazeron, Jula Murbach, Kalliopi Rizou and Elena Tsantidis.


Verein Bremer Bündnis für deutsch-tschechische Zusammenarbeit e.V. in Kooperation mit der Hochschule für Künste Bremen

More information about the festival:

University of the Arts Bremen Dechanatstraße 13–15 28195 Bremen
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Concert hall at HfK Bremen, empty chairs, stage with red curtain.