Hochschultage 2025
Trailer: Freddy Adelmann, Luis Janßen & Greta Lüdemann
Opening hours
Saturday, February, 15th 2025: 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, February, 16th 2025: 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The open days at the University of the Arts Bremen
The Hochschultage provide special access to art, design, media and music.
Exhibitions, concerts, performances and lectures give you the opportunity to experience the university and its studios and workshops up close and to get to know studying at the HfK. Visitors can also look forward to the presentation of the newly awarded works of the university prize winners.
This year's theme of the Hochschultage, Point of View, focuses on the perspectives behind the exhibited works. At the same time, it invites visitors to contribute their own points of view. This creates a lively exchange that combines different perspectives.
Admission is free!
Student advisory service
Are you interested in studying Digital Media, Fine Arts, or Integrated Design? As part of the Hochschultage, we offer dedicated consultation sessions for these study programs. Learn more about course content, application procedures, and study requirements directly from faculty members and students.
Additionally, the General Study Advisory Service is available as a first point of contact for organizational and general questions about studying.
Take the opportunity to gather comprehensive information and gain insights into the different fields of study! All study consultations are open to all without prior registration and take place in room 1.11.020. This is followed by short tours of the respective degree programme for prospective students only.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
- 12:00–12:30 p.m.: Digital Media
- 12:30 p.m.: Guided tour for prospective students in Digital Media
- 1:00–3:00 p.m.: General Study Advisory Service
- 4:00–4:30 p.m.: Fine Arts
- 4:30 p.m.: Guided tour for prospective students in Fine Arts
- 5:00–5:30 p.m.: Integrated Design
- 5:30 p.m.: Guided tour for prospective students in Integrated Design
Sunday, February 16, 2025
- 12:00–12:30 p.m.: Integrated Design
- 12:30 p.m.: Guided tour for prospective students in Integrated Design
- 1:00–1:30 p.m.: Digital Media
- 1:30 p.m.: Guided tour for prospective students in Digital Media
- 2:00–2:30 p.m.: Fine Arts
- 2:30 p.m.: Guided tour for prospective students in Fine Arts
For further subject-specific guidance, classes, studios, students, and faculty members will be happy to assist you.
Programme subject to change
Radio Angrezi
Radio Angrezi will broadcast a special program during the Hochschultage – an experimental space for sound, music, voice, and live performance, created by an autonomous student collective.
Saturday, February, 15th 2025
- 11:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.: Radio Breakfast
Alevtina Senik & Alina Bardavid
Kickstart your Hochschultage with an extraordinary blend of contemporary Russian and Argentinian sounds—where pulsing electronic beats, indie/pop gems, and unexpected sonic textures intertwine. Floating between genres and styles, we'll navigate the connections between distant spaces, their complex histories, and, most importantly, their shared openness to deep emotions. Contrast, connections, and open-hearted listening<3333 - 12:00–2:00 p.m.: Angrezi Art Academy Award Competition
Andrij Smirnov, Luis Janßen & Simon Lang
On February 15th, two gonzo reporters and one talk show host will take over the airwaves, hosting a live radio show filled with interviews, heated debates, and highly questionable judgments — all under the aura of the legendary George Angrezi. And most importantly, the live audience will vote to decide the winners. - 2:00–4:00 p.m.: Sonic Theories Aloud
Jerónimo Gutiérrez Balanta Vanshika Chaudhary Jaeeun Kim Gabriella Serrano de Oliveira Indrayudh Sengupta
Dr. Petra Klusmeyer (Moderator)
Sonic Theories Aloud is a project that explores sonic philosophies and sound-related art practices to engage in critical reading, listening, and writing for sound production. The outcomes take the form of short-format audio essays, examining sound-text relationships as an alternative to traditional written presentations—a novel approach to disseminating research in sound studies. In addition to showcasing these audio works in the Sound and Research-Creation Space (SnRC), the project will be discussed and presented in a broadcast on Radio Angrezi. - 4:00–5:30 p.m.: Werkstattradio
Emil Muschler
1 hour of music to design to - 5:30–6:30 p.m.: Angrezi Art Academy Award Ceremony
Andrij Smirnov, Luis Janßen & Simon Lang
Sunday, February, 16th 2025
- 12:00–13:15 p.m.: The Sound of Water in the (H)AIR
Alevtina Senik with Bon Kim & Qianxun Chen
Tune in as radio host Alevtina Senik engages in a conversation with artists Bon Kim and Qianxun Chen about WATER IN THE (H)AIR, a sound installation that transforms humidity into rhythm through human hair. Together, they will explore the work’s meaning, inspirations, and technological intricacies, reflecting on how it reactivates our sensitivity to nature and reimagines the relationship between people, water, and technology. Join us to uncover how listening can become a way of reconnecting with the delicate balance of our environment. - 1:15–2:00 p.m.: Angrezi Archive
Simon Lang & Pele Patric Peljhan
45 min of deep dive into Angrezi Archive material - 2:00–5:00 p.m.: Modular Monday aka Synthesizer Sunday
Dennis Paul with Milton Raggi, Timo Johannes, Seongjoo Moon, Leo Puhl & Alparslan Teke
Modular Monday is a performance series featuring sound and music works loosely related to electronic and digital artifacts and concepts. It provides a platform for raw, unfinished, and experimental situations, serving as a semi-public, semi-informal rehearsal space where performers and audiences can share, discuss, and engage in dialogues about common interests and ideas.
Directions & public transport
Use the BSAG public transport system to get to HfK Bremen:
- Tram line 3 and bus 26 to Waller Ring
- Bus 28 to the University of the Arts
- Bus 26 or bus 28 to Überseetor
There are free parking spaces on site. Please note that the number of parking spaces on site is limited.
Speicher XI
The HfK Bremen at Speicher X is barrier-free to a limited extent.
The university has four levels. A barrier-free toilet is located on level 1 and level 4. Two structurally identical elevators lead to the levels.
There is a designated handicapped parking space at the entrance with a ramp.
Speicher XI A
The HfK is barrier-free at the Speicher XI A location.
Access to Speicher XI A is at ground level. The two levels are fully accessible via a lift between Halls 2 and 3. A barrier-free WC is located on the ground floor between Halls 1 and 2.