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Tuesday | 15 December 2020

Mona Schieren was awarded the International Publication Award

Transkulturelle Übersetzung im Werk von Agnes Martin.

The publication Transkulturelle Übersetzung im Werk von Agnes Martin. Zur Konstruktion asianistischer Ästhetiken in der amerikanischen Kunst nach 1945 by Mona Schieren has received the International Publication Award from the Collage Art Association and the Terra Foundation and is published in English.

This study in visual aesthetics and cultural philosophy opens up a new view on the appropriation of the "Asian" in Martin's work by focusing on transcultural translation processes. To this end, the historical preconditions for the construction of Asianisms in the USA are examined. Perceptual-aesthetic image concepts and Asianist categories, such as the primacy of the line, the diffuseness of the pictorial ground, the pictorial grid as a form of reflection of fullness in emptiness, as well as imperfection and repetition as pictorial-genetic procedures are at the center of the work analysis. The analysis of the aesthetics of the picture is contextualized transculturally through a discussion of the cultural transfer potential of indigenous image practices (e.g. Hopi, Navajo). This uncovers alternative notions of authorship and trans-subjective concepts in Martin's work.