Kunst und Design
Dr. Flavia Alice Mameli
Allgemeine Wissenschaften
- Study programme Integriertes Design
- Email fmameli@hfk-bremen.de
- Website www.flaviamameli.com
Current courses
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- Global Perspectives on Resilient Design: Creating Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Yogyakarta and Bremen “Indonesia - Wasn't that somewhere near Bali?” - We generally know little about Indonesia, the fourth largest nation and largest Muslim society in the world. Yet Indonesia is a fascinating, tropical archipelago made up of around 17,000 islands (including Bali), home to many different indigenous cultures and rich in design and architectural treasures from the past and present. How do design students live and work in Indonesia? What are they interested in and how do they understand the term “sustainability” in design? The hybrid online and face-to-face seminar aims to bring together students of Integrated Design, Product Design and Interior Design from Germany and Indonesia (in cooperation with the art college Institut Seni Indonesia in Yogyakarta on the island of Java) in an informal and experimental format. The hybrid online and face-to-face seminar aims to bring together students of Integrated Design, Product Design and Interior Design from Germany and Indonesia (in cooperation with the art college Institut Seni Indonesia in Yogyakarta on the island of Java) in an informal and experimental format. We want to show each other our lifestyles and interests and discover similarities and differences. With the help of ethnographic methods such as participant observation, reflective documentation and photographic “field notes”, we will make our own living environments and our understanding of sustainability visible to the others. We ask ourselves what “sustainable design” means for us in Germany and what it means for Indonesians. What discourses are being held on the topic of climate change in the respective countries and what is happening in the respective local design scene and at universities in this regard? The participants will form Indonesian-German teams. The ethnographic explorations will lead to an intensive exchange about differences and similarities. The seminar is structured in the following steps: 1. exploration of one's own environment with the help of ethnographic methods. 2. exchange and reflection in binational small groups. 3. theoretical reflections on the concepts of sustainability/sustainability. What does “sustainable design” mean in Germany, what does it mean in Indonesia? 4. joint preparation of a 10-15 minute group presentation as part of the final event in presence (the students of the HfK Bremen present the joint results).