Lecture series of the binational PhD program at the HfK Bremen: "Becoming Entangled II"
The HfK Bremen, together with partner universities, is organizing a lecture series.A press release from Melisa Lemcke

The University of the Arts Bremen (HfK Bremen), together with partner universities, is organizing a lecture series as part of its binational artistic-scientific PhD program, in which the lines of connection between artistic practice and application-oriented research as well as theoretical reflections from various professional perspectives will be addressed. The lecture series will take place from October to February in Speicher XI. Admission is free.
Since 2020, the university has offered the opportunity to do a doctorate within the framework of the art- and science-based binational doctoral program. In this context, the HfK Bremen cooperates with Leiden University (Academy of Creative and Performing Arts and in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Arts The Hague) and the University of Groningen (together with Minerva Art Academy Groningen) as well as the University of Gothenburg (with HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design). Further collaborations are in preparation.
The English-language lecture series "Becoming Entangled II" is aimed at an interested professional audience and is a joint project of the universities and art colleges. The focus is on the links between practice in art and theory, which have an immanent role in the PhD program. "Becoming Entangled II" also has a special focus on materials, connecting the contributions within the lecture series. Questions about their role in the artistic and theoretical creative process and the way they are used, analyzed, and further developed in the context of the various artistic research projects are at the center. Methods, strategies and tools are shown – among other things also by discussing the work in the workshops of the art universities.
"The lecture series 'Becoming Entangled ' is an expression of looking at, questioning and ultimately thinking further about the connections and areas of tension that lie in the meeting of art/design and science," said Prof. Dr Andrea Sick, Vice Rector for Artistic Research and International Affairs at the University of the Arts Bremen.
By combining applied research, artistic practice, theoretical-scientific foundation and individual support, the binational artistic-scientific PhD program makes an important contribution to the broad-based discussions on artistic research. The PhD students qualify for a future career at precisely these innovative interfaces. The focus is on artistic-creative practice in connection with scientific work. This forms the basis for the doctoral project, the resulting research activities and new ways of knowing and understanding.
Program of the lecture series
On October 27, 2022, Prof. Dr. Ann Sophie Lehmann and Vanessa Bakhuizen-van 't Hoogt from the University of Groningen will speak on "Workshop Epistemologies. Research Methods for Studying Making. "
The lecture presents the research project Curious Hands. Moving Making to the Core of Education (2019–2025), funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The methods developed to investigate the epistemological ecology of workshops in the art academy will be explained, as well as the theories that frame them. Based on data collected over the past three years in workshops of Art Academy Minerva in Groningen, ethnographic and art-based methods will be shown and discussed. In addition, data collected during a recent visit to several workshops in the art academy in Bremen and preliminary ideas for a comparative approach in the project will be presented.
More details on the lecture: artisticphd-hfkbremen.net/events/workshop-epistemologies
The second lecture will take place on December 9, 2022 and is entitled "In my Experience:The personal in academic research. " The lecture will be given by Prof. Dr. Jessica Hemmings from HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg.
Expectations of objectivity and rigor are often at odds with creative projects driven by intuition and instinct. This lecture considers some of the taboos of academic research and argues for a more generous recognition of the place of the personal.
Further information: artisticphd-hfkbremen.net/events/in-my-experience
To conclude the lecture series, Linde Ex from the University of Groningen will come to Bremen and give a lecture on the topic "Land-shapes, sooth-scapes" on February 9, 2023.
In this lecture, Linde Ex will share information about a project on salt marsh landscapes in England, Scotland and the Netherlands. The lecture will occur in connection with a workshop that revolves around recognizing, collecting and connecting forms in the land as an artistic method.
More information: artisticphd-hfkbremen.net/events/land-shapes-sooth-scapes
All events will take place starting at 6 p.m. in the HfK auditorium, Am Speicher XI 8. Further information: artisticphd-hfkbremen.net