Rock the boat
The Bremen University of the Arts is at the "Breminale" with its event shipA press release from Jens Fischer

With more than 200,000 visitors a year, the "Breminale" is probably Bremen's most popular cultural event. While its predecessor, "Weserlust", was still a funfair and self-portrayal fair for local and regional artists, the "Breminale" developed into a festival venue for pop culture from 1987 onwards. The five-day party with plenty of live concerts will take place again from July 3 to 7, 2024, free of charge and outdoors on the Osterdeich. The Bremen University of the Arts (HfK) will be a guest for the first time this year with its event ship MS "Dauerwelle", which will be moored at the Tiefer 1 jetty. Every day from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., it invites you to relax, but above all, of course, to visit a varied program on board.
It is the result of an internal HfK competition among students from the Department of Music and the Department of Art and Design. Sixteen entries were selected from the applications, one video and one live radio performance as well as 14 concerts, presenting a musical mix ranging from classical music to jazz, R&B, hip-hop, pop, house and techno.
The musicians will perform in two stage settings developed by Robert Coellen and Janusz Kendel. From the glittering silver sun deck of the "Dauerwelle", they will play towards the jetty and promenade. The theme of the swaying waves is taken up in the interior of the ship with the lighting design, transforming the ship's typical ambience into an intimate club setting.
On Wednesday, July 3, 2024, from 8 pm, the audiovisual work "Desquamation" by Tom Lane, who completed his Master's degree in Digital Media in December 2023, can be experienced on the MS "Dauerwelle". Thematically, he explores the fragility of the human condition against the backdrop of an increasingly alienated digital age.
On Sunday, July 7, 2024, from 4 p.m., the university radio station Angrezi will present a live radio show with electronic music and talk guests.
The concert program will be opened by six cello students playing classics of cello literature and their own arrangements of popular works (Thursday, 4 July 2024, 4 p.m.), followed by the jazz-pop-electro quartet "Auf Sendung" with singer/lyricist Stella Rodenbusch (Thursday, 4 July 2024, 5.15 p.m.).
Reyhaneh Rezapoor is a Master's student of digital media and will be presenting her alternative rock fusion band "Barfak" (Saturday, July 6, 2024, 5:15 pm).
Ayham Fayad is a Palestinian-German singer-songwriter and is in his second semester of Integrated Design at the HfK Bremen (Thursday, July 4, 2024, 8 p.m.).
The organizers of the "Friends Club Night" in the HfK Mensa produce songs on their own and move somewhere between pop, techno, melodic rap and reggaeton (Thursday, 4 July 2024, 8:45 pm).
Musikpädagogik-Studierende spielen unter dem Bandtitel „Tempus Fuggit“ (Freitag, 5. Juli 2024, 17 Uhr) eigene Kompositionen, die modernen Jazz mit Psychedelic, Disco und Hip-Hop verbinden, unter dem Bandtitel „Behind the Doors“ (Freitag, 5. Juli 2024, 18 Uhr) kommt punkrockiger Indie-Pop zu Gehör.
Luis Schlag kommt mit dem Soloprojekt „Planet Zwo“, angekündigt ist „optimistischer Pessimismus mit Synthesizern“ (Freitag, 5. Juli 2024, 21:15 Uhr).
Cellist Aleksandr Bukin, Masterstudent in der Klasse Mladen Miloradovic, kombiniert die Musik von Johann Sebastian Bach mit der von Philip Glass (Samstag, 6. Juli, 16 Uhr).
Ebenfalls dabei sind die Sängerinnen/Musikerinnen Lucie Korpys, Blizz (Lisbeth Heinze, studiert Jazzgesang an der HfK Bremen), Saint Josy (Josefine Kröll), Elisque (Liesl Lindeque) und Epilog (Vera Deubner).