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Application period for the winter semester 2025/26 – Digital Media (B.A.): 1.2.–15.5.2025 – Digital Media (M.A.): 1.4.–31.5.2025 – Fine Arts (Diploma): 1.2.–15.4.2025 – Integrated Design (B.A.): 1.2.–30.4.2025 – Integrated Design (M.A.): 1.4.–15.5.2025 – Music: 1.3.–31.3.2025

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Women's Representative in accordance with the State Equal Opportunities Act (LGG)

The Women's Representative according to the State Equal Opportunities Act (LGG) represents the interests of all women in administration and technology at the University of the Arts Bremen. In accordance with the Equal Opportunities Act and the Women's Promotion Plan, she is to be involved in an advisory capacity in the planning and decision-making of the administration, particularly in personnel, social and organisational measures and in the implementation of the personnel development plan, in order to ensure equal opportunities in the administration.

Consultation is confidential and subject to professional secrecy.

Appointments by arrangement.