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Application Period for Summer Semester 2025: 1.11.2024–8.12.2024

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Baroque Viola

The degree programme is focussed on the differentiated acquisition of historical playing techniques of the Baroque viola from the Renaissance to the 19th century, which are linked to the musical and stylistic expression possibilities of the respective era. With, among other things, a five-part early Baroque violin consort based on Amati as well as a variety of bows of various designs, from early frog bows to late classical models, students have an authentic set of instruments at their disposal. Historical sources, chamber music, string ensemble and Baroque orchestra complement the individual lessons and – in addition to acquiring skills for solo performances with the requirement of an independent musical speech – place an emphasis on strong ensemble skills. Improvisation and diminution, joy of experimentation and lively collaboration determine learning and shape the close exchange between the two lecturers in this major.