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Application period for the winter semester 2025/26 – Digital Media (B.A.): 1.2.–15.5.2025 – Digital Media (M.A.): 1.4.–31.5.2025 – Fine Arts (Diploma): 1.2.–15.4.2025 – Integrated Design (B.A.): 1.2.–30.4.2025 – Integrated Design (M.A.): 1.4.–15.5.2025 – Music: 1.3.–31.3.2025

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Academic Senate

The Academic Senate consists of up to 15 elected representatives of the individual status groups and the two deans.

The members of the Rectorate advise the Academic Senate, which is chaired by the Rector without voting rights. In addition, the central women's representative according to BremHG, as well as one member of the staff council and one member of the AStA, may participate in the meetings in an advisory capacity.

The Academic Senate is the central body of the university. It decides on matters assigned to it in accordance with § 80 BremHG. In particular, it decides on the basic regulations and the general parts of the examination regulations and other statutes, insofar as the law does not assign this responsibility to another body of the HfK, on the establishment, amendment and dissolution of degree programmes, departments and central artistic and/or academic institutions, operational units and overarching organisational units. It elects the Rector and decides on the Rector's proposal for the appointment of the Vice-Rector and the Chancellor.

The management accompanies the meetings of the Academic Senate administratively. Enquiries about the Academic Senate can be sent to

The Academic Senate usually meets once a month during the lecture period. The meetings take place on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. alternately in the conference room in Speicher XI and in the concert hall in Dechanatstraße. The meetings are regularly open to the public and interested guests are always welcome. 

The next meeting of the Academic Senate of the University of the Arts Bremen will take place on December 11, 2024 in the Kammermusiksaal Dechanatstraße.