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Application Period for Summer Semester 2025: 1.11.2024–8.12.2024

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Historical Harp

Considering the long history of the harp, we are primarily concerned with the period from 1530 to 1784. The HfK has a very beautiful small triple harp by Dario Pontiggia, which is used solo and for continuo playing. Lessons can also take place on single-row Gothic, double-row Italian, German or Spanish harps (the latter with two crossed rows of strings) as well as on Italian and Welsh triple harps. The literature ranges from polyphonic works and lute pieces of the Renaissance to Antonio de Cabezón and Manuel Rodrigues Coelho's collections for organ or harp, Neapolitan toccatas for keyboard instruments and the rich Italian continuo repertoire of the early 17th century to the music at the Viennese imperial court and Handel's oratorios, archives in central Germany and Welsh variation collections from the late 18th century. A double and a small triple harp can be rented privately. Playing early pedal harps is not part of the course.